
The organizing Board is:



Manuel Collet (FEMTO-ST – CNRS, France) 

General Chair

Mohamed Ichchou (LTDS – ECL, France)

General Co-Chair

Charles Pézerat (LAUM – Univ du Maine, France)

Technical Program Co-Chair

Rhali Benamar (EMI - Um5a, Morocco)

Regional Program Co-Chair - Morocco

Mohamed Haddar (ENIS, Tunisia)

Regional Program Co-Chair - Tunisia

Fusheng Sui (IOA-CAS, China)

Regional Program Co-Chair - Asia

Emmanuel Foltête (FEMTO-ST – ENSMM, France)

Organizing Committee Co-Chair - Treasurer

The conference is organized by 5 international associations:

ADYVA: A French association for Structural Dynamics and Vibroacoustics created in 2011,

SFA-GVB: The Vibroacoustic group of the French Society of Acoustic,

AMVA: The Moroccan Association for Acoustic and Vibration,

ATAVI: The Tunisian association for Acoustic and Vibration,

IOA : The Institute of Acoustic of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

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